The graduating seniors — and their future plans

The Block Island Times asked the members of the graduating class to tell us a little bit about themselves, their favorite memories of their time at school, what their personal goals were, and what they think college will look like in the fall. Here are the senior portraits in their own words.
Jacques Boudreau
My name is Jacques Boudreau, and I am 18 years old. I live at the Southeast Lighthouse and my favorite hobby is tinkering with my various projects ranging from my go-karts to my electric motorcycle.
After I graduate I will be attending St. Lawrence University. I will be majoring in Computer Science.
My favorite memory while attending the Block Island School was when we got to go to St. Croix and help the Nature Conservancy clean up after Hurricane Maria.
I would tell myself to not change my personality to fit in with others.
I hope that by the fall I will be attending St Lawrence and will not have to do anymore online learning. While it is sad that I won’t have an ordinary graduation, there is nothing I can do to stop it. I am glad that online learning is

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