Block Island Times

Town Council briefs

Where’s the road?The Cormorant Cove Association finally found itself in front of the Town Council last week, after two and a half years of effort. The association had a survey done several years ago and discovered that the town-owned Champlin’s Road, which leads to the Coast Guard station, actually runs through Cormorant Cove Association property. Apparently, the road was supposed to more closely follow the utility poles and easement, but over time the dirt road has meandered off course.
The association asked the council to consider signing an agreement which would indemnify the association from liability for anything that happens on the town road located on association property. The association’s feeling was that asking the town to relocate the road back into the easement would disturb the natural habitat, so instead the association is seeking relief from legal liability for the road.Council Member Keith Stover called it an “elegant solution,” saying that the tide coming in and roads moving were just part of “living on an island.”Council Member Martha Ball called it an “unusual solution,” with the council agreeing to have the legal team look at its agreement.Organizing the DPWThe Department of Public Works is still in a

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