Block Island Times

Town Council mulls its options on public safety

UPDATE: Lacoste made an announcement in open session at 10:40 p.m. “that no votes were taken in closed session. I make a motion to continue the emergency meeting until 5 p.m. tomorrow.” The motion was seconded by Boudreau, and was carried unanimously by the council. Willi was recused from the motion.
“We will talk to everyone tomorrow at 5 p.m.,” said Lacoste. The meeting will open tomorrow, Monday, Aug. 17 in public session.
At the outset of tonight’s emergency Town Council meeting, First Warden Ken Lacoste said that councilors had “received hundreds of emails from everyone with concerns about the accidents and everything that’s going on. We’ve read many of these and we’ve heard the message. We’re going to try to get things accomplished.”
After a discussion about the number of medical calls and moped accidents that have happened so far this summer, the council voted to go into closed session to discuss what options they had to address concerns expressed by not just the members of the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squads, but members of the community, and by the councilors themselves.
“The plan right now is to talk about mitigating the existing situation. We’ve

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