After months of preparation involving hanging new transformers and stringing lines, the switch is about to be turned on in the voltage conversion project being undertaken by the Block Island Utility District (doing business as the Block Island Power Company).
As of now, the first island-wide outages are scheduled for the weekend of April 9 and 10. Outages will be from 12 a.m. (midnight) to 4 a.m., each day. This is when work will be done in the substation. Those with battery back-up systems for computers or other equipment may just want to shut everything down so things don’t go beep in the night.The next island-wide outage is currently scheduled for Monday, April 18. This time the outage will start at 5 a.m. and go until 11 a.m. The plan is to have staggered start-up times for different circuits, with the first beginning “by” 7 a.m., and the last “by” 11 a.m. Make sure you prepare your morning coffee the night before.The turn-on schedule is as follows:4A High Street circuit on by 7 a.m.5A Old Harbor circuit on by 8 a.m.3A New Harbor circuit on by 9 a.m.1A Airport circuit on by 9:30 a.m.2A West Side circuit on