Hey Narragansett? Know where your kids are? South Kingstown, too. Social media makes it possible for teens to make plans on the fly, and apps like Snapchat make their communications disappear equally fast. According to Police Chief Matt Moynihan, teens from those communities on the mainland are using the app to plan spontaneous outings to the island for the purpose of partying. The message sent out, according to Moynihan: “We’re going to Block. We’re going to Block.”“You’re welcome to be on the beach,” the Chief continued, but not to have alcohol. The beach in question is the one just south of Ballard’s Beach, below the Ocean View Foundation, which was the site of a large party, estimated at about 500, that included plenty of under-age drinking, on July 4.After the party, Moynihan asked to have a meeting with the Land Trust, to discuss some of the problems, and some suggested solutions to mitigate them.
The Ocean View Foundation owns the parcel down near the road, but the Land Trust owns land that extends south all the way down to, and including most of the Spring House Pond. Maintenance is a shared responsibility. A few years ago the Land