In a new endeavor, the members of the Land Trust are considering the need for trail monitors. At its meeting on Thursday, Nov. 12, Chair Barbara MacMullan said she had noticed “lots of bike tracks and horse poop” on the Greenway Trails this past season. Neither bikes nor horseback riding are allowed on the trails.
“I’ve never seen so many people on the trails,” said Trustee Keith Lang, adding that there was a need for a “presence” on the trails.
When the question arose as to whether people knew the rules and were just ignoring them, MacMullan said she did not recognize the people she spoke with who were on bikes.
Land Trust Treasurer Wendy Crawford suggested talking to some high school students to see if they might be willing to volunteer to help out, which, on the face of it, seemed like a good idea until member Scott Comings said, “Some people are not the kindest” when you approach them, and suggested that he would not want to put teens in that position.
While the subject has been on the agenda, mainly as a place marker, those present decided it was time to move on the idea,