This summer Elevation Studio, located at 1661 Farm and Garden, is offering daily yoga classes provided by Danielle Duffy, creator of Elevation Studio, and other instructors including, Katie, Kelsay, Taryn, and Ryan.Duffy discovered her passion for yoga in the mid 1990s in Costa Rica.“I started practicing on the beach and people just started joining me, because there were no formal classes then,” Duffy said.In the late 1990s after Duffy’s completed her first training in Pilates, she started teaching on Block Island wherever she could find a space for classes.“Pilates was like a missing piece for me in yoga practice, it really helped with my alignment of my spine, my posture, and it really helped my yoga practice,” Duffy said.After starting to teach yoga and Pilates on the island, Duffy completed training in New York City, and continued to get her yoga certification in 2010. Since then, Duffy still continues her yoga education by taking online workshops and classes, including for her advanced yoga training certification.“I personally love it because it keeps me fresh, and it also brings new inspiration for my classes.” Duffy said.Along with her studio on Block Island, Duffy has a studio in Costa Rica that