The hearing before the Zoning Board back in November went about as well as a hearing can go for an application for a variance. Mark Masiello and his attorney Joe Priestley made a presentation to the board, describing the proposal to demolish an existing home and sheds and construct a new dwelling and accessory buildings on the property off Grace’s Cove Road.
At the hearing, Vice-Chair Robert Lamoureux said he thought the design of several small buildings, rather than one large building, was “in keeping with what Planning has wanted.” The Planning Board is working on changes to the Zoning Ordinances to reduce the maximum size of houses to keep in line with the “character of the island.” Back in August, Planning Board Chair Margie Comings told the Town Council that encouraging more small buildings rather than one massive home was “an intended consequence.”
Masiello had letters of support from abutters as well, with some neighbors coming to the meeting to speak in support of Masiello’s project.There was one point raised at the hearing in November by Member Robert Closter. Closter questioned the use of the word “modest” in the application, but did not press the issue.Size was