Block Island Times

Zoning considers Masiello application

“I think it is in keeping with what Planning has wanted, rather than one large building, having smaller buildings and keeping with the topography,” Vice-Chair Bob Lamoureux said to the rest of the Zoning Board on November 18. The board was holding the hearing for an application to demolish an existing residence and build anew residence on Grace’s Cove Road. The applicant needs a variance from the setback requirements.Applicant Mark Masiello described his property as an “interesting site,” and “very beautiful,” but also said the property has some “challenges.” One of the challengesis the shape of the lot, which is long and narrow, and breaks midway with a dogleg toward the water. Masiello’s application is seeking a variance and relief in the sideline requirements, as the lot is so narrow.Lamoureux, who ran the hearing during Chair Kate Butcher’s recusal, said it looked as if the lot “narrows conspicuously all the way down,” noting that construction is“constrained by the narrowness.” The lot is 200 feet wide at the top of the property on Dunn’s Cartway at the end of Grace’s Cove Road, but narrows to 82 feet when it hits the water, with the dog leg thrown in midway

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