Block Island Times

ART AROUND TOWN – Sarah Verardo’s ‘Fragments’ at Jessie Edwards Gallery

The Jessie Edwards Gallery is “rocked” to announce our upcoming exhibition from June 23 to July 5, showcasing the new artwork of New England native Sarah Verardo.The complexities of the ordinary are brought to life in these oil-on-linen paintings by Verardo. Her subjects in these 10 paintings, ranging in size from 16 by 20 inches to 24 by 30 inches, are stones. Most are found objects from Narragansett, R.I., a place that calls to her as home. Her connection to the land and sea in southern New England is tangible in her art. Her ability to paint what she sees as inherently held in each of her subjects makes the viewer take a second look, a closer and more thoughtful look, as we realize these are not photos – they are all seamlessly rendered, multi-layered works of beach stones found on her contemplative walks by the sea.The layers of paint invite us into the crevices, nooks and inclusions in the stones she uses as her subjects. While most artists paint scenes that are smaller than the real-life subjects they use, it is not so for the work Verardo renders

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