This is not a typical Block Island couch-surfing story. But the ingredients are somewhat the same.The Block Island Health and General Store has moved from its High Street hillside home of several years into a new location next to The Oar at the Block Island Boat Basin, in the long blue building.Proprietors Jack and Abra Savoie are eager to show off their new digs just as soon as they can get completely unpacked, but right now Sertex has about 70 percent of the space, while they wait for others to move out of their space.In the near term, all are singing “Kumbaya” while they remain open Friday through Sunday with shortened hours, but expect to be fully launched by the time the harbor marinas begin to welcome the first boaters. “We can’t wait to get everything finally unpacked and organized,” said the Savoies.On a recent Friday noon visit, Abra was busy with the broom whisking away invisible dirt while casually engaging customers with her always welcoming smile and infectious, warm personality. “Envelopes? Sure we’ve got them, let me find the box while you look around.” Even two mopedriders who were hoping for lunch at the clearly shuttered Oar,