The following message was shared by the Block Island Medical Center:
Block Island Medical Center announces a Virtual Fundraiser with Silent Auction
A first for Block Island!
The Block Island Medical Center is hosting a virtual fundraiser and silent auction beginning July 26, with silent auction winners announced on Sunday, Aug. 2. The website,, is up and running and anyone can register to preview auction items, make a donation and/or purchase a needed piece of medical equipment.
The auction items range from scones to diamond earrings, kayaking lessons, to a home in Florida, paddle board lessons to passes to golf courses in Connecticut with more to come. Items range in value from $100 to priceless.
There is something for everyone and the whole community is encouraged to participate. The Fundraising Committee of the BIMC hopes that everyone on Block Island will join with us in supporting our medical center. All of us who live, work or visit the Island need for the medical center to be there when we need it. Only by the entire community supporting the medical center can this happen.