Block Island to be focus of shark study in 2021

Jon Dodd has been fascinated by sharks his entire life.
So much so that his fascination led to the creation of the Atlantic Shark Institute based in Wakefield, Rhode Island, of which he is now the Executive Director. Born and raised in Rhode Island, and later graduating from the University of Rhode Island with a Marine Biology degree, Dodd now studies the sharks and how they “survive so many [factors] and be adaptable.”
Rhode Island’s waters are home to a large presence of sharks, which may be a surprise to some, as sharks migrate along the east coast north to Canada.
Block Island has also recently become a location for ASI’s shark research efforts due to the island’s unique location. ASI is implementing expanded research initiatives around the island, which will focus on white sharks starting in the 2021 study season. Acoustic receivers and underwater video cameras will capture the movements and habits of great white sharks. At the moment, there are seven acoustic receivers strategically placed around the island’s waters to ”listen to any shark that has any acoustic tag,” said Dodd. This past summer was the second year the acoustic technology was used in Rhode Island

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