Block Island Times

Let’s Talk About It: Behavioral Health

This week’s questions answered by Laurie Anderson, APRN-C, MSN, CDOE.
What is Behavioral Health?Behavioral health is a holistic and inclusive term that umbrellas mental and physical health. The term behavioral health is used to describe the connection between a person’s behaviors to the health and well-being of their mind and body. Behaviors such as exercise, eating, substance use, and self-care, can impact physical and mental well-being. Similarly, physical and mental health often shapes behavioral health. Behavioral health encompasses a continuum of prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support services. Individuals withmental and physical health issues can benefit from behavioral health principles. Often changes in behaviors or thinking patterns can help people better cope with their mental health and physical conditions.Are behavioral health and mental health different?Often the terms behavioral health and mental health are used interchangeably. However, they are not the same in either definition or treatment method. Mental health is a person’s state of being. It can describe how we act and feel. Behavioral health is a far more expansive term that incorporates our mental wellness and how our thoughts play out in life through our behaviors. Behavioral health means engaging in behaviors that help achieve an ideal

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