Block Island Times

Message from the Town Manager

Greetings, and a warm welcome to all those visiting Block Island, officially known as the Town of New Shoreham. We hope you’ll treasure your visit to what The Nature Conservancy, in 1991, named “one of the 12 last great places in the Western Hemisphere.”In order to absorb the island’s true character, we invite you to visit our many parks and open spaces. Spend some time beachcombing our unspoiled sand beaches and rockyshoreline and be sure to spend some time absorbing the natural beauty that defines Block Island.I want to remind you of a few things to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable stay as we get lots of visitors. Please obey the traffic laws, no matter your means of transportation, whether riding a bike, renting a moped, walking, or by vehicle. The same rules you have back home are enforced here. The speed limit throughout the island never exceeds 25 mph and is strictly enforced.If you intend to rent a moped, please remember all drivers and passengers must wear helmets and eye protection at all times. Although not required, I strongly recommendedthat you wear closed-toe shoes. Mopeds are not allowed on any dirt road on the island.

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