Alison Warfel, the Operations Chief and Director of Wellness and Risk Reduction at the Block Island Medical Center, and Island Free Library Director Kristin Baumann have teamed up to create a new podcast on health and wellness. The podcast is called “Waking Up Well” and will be available on multiple podcast platforms and Warfel and Baumann will post the first podcast this Friday, April 4.
“This podcast is an effort to start a community conversation inspired by the strange times we find ourselves in. We wanted to learn what other people were doing to cope, keep themselves well, and learn and grow,” said Warfel. “Like many people, we feel the need to do something productive and creative that is fueled by connecting with others.”
“While Alison and I do very different jobs on the island there are commonalities. Our respective missions mesh around issues of community and the intention to create, promote, and advance wellbeing, which could not be more important than at this time,” said Baumann. “One of the things I liked best about Alison’s pitch to me was this idea of what will we learn during this time that will