The Police Advisory Commission is extending its Community Needs Survey for the next five weeks. Initially the survey was offered on the Block Island Bulletin Board, and notices were posted in various places around town, but the response was thin. To garner more responses, a link to the survey will be added to the home page of the town’swebsite.At its meeting on May 5, members were provided a listing of comments left by survey respondents, but without the time to review them, they chose to hold off on a discussion.Respondents were interested in seeing improvements in a few key areas. One of those was enforcement of speed limits and traffic safety rules for both vehicles and bicycles, particularly those that fly through the four-way intersection, Bridgegate Square, ignoring the stop signs.Another area that drew a few respondents’ concern could come under the umbrella of “preserving public health.” More than one respondent was concerned about drug and alcohol use, or abuse, and over serving, domestic violence, and the police department’s interactions with “the mentally ill.” The respondents suggested police officers receive more training on these issues, and one wrote: “There’s funding through SAMHSA to build out a peer coaching