Block Island Times

Police Advisory Commission seeks input

The Police Advisory Commission discussed the needs of the community January 6 as it reviewed the feedback it has received thus far. The PAC put out a survey a couple of months ago to help illuminate what the community wants from its police force.Chair Jim Hinthorn said three categories seemed to stick out to him, based on the responses: enforcement, management of people, and traffic safety. He said mopeds came up a lot, with member Carolyn Collins commenting that much of the feedback falls under “traffic.”The committee agreed that the survey should be run again, and perhaps disseminated more widely than the Block Island Bulletin Board. Several members mentioned people who might not be on the BIBB and might not be on social media, who nonetheless would like to provide feedback. Collins suggested posters at the library, with Member Molly O’Neill suggesting the grocery and liquor stores as well. Feedback can be emailed to the Police Advisory Commission at [email protected].
Police Chief Matt Moynihan talked to the group about the difficulties of providing increased services with the department’s limited staff. He said the department is “very understaffed,” with a “real need of additional personnel.” Moynihan said that

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