Recreation Director Dave Sniffen gave his end-of-season report to the Recreation Board, and discussed the staffing difficulties he hadover the summer.“It was a tough year for staffing all the way around,” Sniffen told the board. He said he had started the season with seven lifeguards. “We lost two in July because they wanted to go on vacation before they started school. We lost another one because I caught her smoking pot at work. And one left us to go to a better-paying job in Misquamicut,” he said.
The two students leaving in July were most surprising for Sniffen. “I hadn’t experienced people wanting to leave early for vacation,” he said.Only two lifeguards were left by the end of the season. Recreation Board Chair Gail Heinz asked Sniffen how many lifeguards he wanted to have on duty.“Seven. We want five on duty every day. Three in the chairs, one on first aid duty, and one on break. Then we rotate them through,” he replied. His depleted staff was working overtime by the end of the season to cover the shifts and help keep the beach safe for swimmers, Sniffen relayed to the board.
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