With more equipment arriving, and work beginning on the reburial of the undersea transmission cables, The Block Island Times reached out to National Grid and Ørsted about safety protocols, particularly at the north and south parking lots at the Fred Benson Town Beach. Questions were answered by Ted Kresse, National Grid’s Director of Strategic Communications, and Meaghan Wims, spokesperson for Ørsted. Interview conducted by Lars Trodson.
BIT: It’s our understanding that contractors will be taking over a good portion of the south parking lot at the beach, as well as the north lot. Is that correct?
NG: Yes. The construction areas in both the north and south parking lots will be clearly marked and cordoned off to the general public.
Ørsted: Yes, we have agreed with the Town Manager to utilize the remaining portion of the northern parking lot and the southern lot, leaving around 10 spaces for parking and access to the beach at the southern end of the parking lot.
BIT: Will both parking lots be designated hard hat areas?
NG: The cordoned off construction area will be designated for hard hat use. Portions of the parking lot not cordoned off as construction areas by the