There’s an art to holding a community engagement workshop, and after 20 years, in 20 countries, island residents Anne and Carlos Salinas have perfected it with their backgrounds in international development. Whether it’s making sure there are enough pens, Post-its, and little foil stars or enough to nosh on and keep minds alert, the structure of an effective session is crucial.On Tuesday, June 6, the Salinas’s assisted the Sea Level Rise Committee in holding a half-day workshop on, yes, sea level rise. Invited participants came from six groups, including those in conservation, business, government – both as employees or members of committees, and members of the SLR Committee and the general public. There was, of course, on an island where people wear many hats, plenty of overlap.SLR Committee Chair Judy Gray said the purpose of the workshop was to build broad community engagement and to create a “foundation for future engagement.” The SLR Committee is an advisory group for the Town Council and Gray said, “We want to hear from you on what decisions the town makes.”Those decisions, it is hoped, will increase the island’s resiliency in
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