Last week the Block Island community was surprised at the announcement that a $4.5 million expenditure was being added to the warrant for the annual Financial Town Meeting at the last minute. The announcement came at the April 21 Council meeting where, after emerging from a closed session with the Block Island Land Trust, the town would pursue the purchase of a portion of the Overlook property, which sits between Champlin’s Marina andthe Salt Pond Settlement.The Town Council was divided on the idea, with First Warden Andre Boudreau and Councilor Martha Ball voting against placing the item on the warrant.The public had many questions, including why this was being done so quickly and being put forward to voters when there were so many unanswered questions. To alleviate some of the mystery, the Town Council held what was billed as an information session for the public to get some answers on Wed. April 28.There was an introduction by Town Manager Maryanne Crawford, who outlined the scope of the project. Owners of the Overlook property have applied for a subdivision whereby the land would be split into two parcels, one containing the Overlook building, and the other, a vacant lot