Block Island Times

$5.2 million secured for improvements project at Port of Galilee

The following press release from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management was shared to The Block Island Times on Saturday, Oct. 17:
The Rhode Island Congressional Delegation and General Treasurer Seth Magaziner joined Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Director Janet Coit in launching a $5.2 million project to make much-needed improvements at the Port of Galilee. The work will center on the North Bulkhead section of the state port where heavy-duty commercial fishing piers will be demolished and replaced, bulkhead asphalt repaired, and electrical supply upgraded. Slightly more than $3.5 million in Rhode Island Capital Plan funds, secured by the Rhode Island General Assembly, DEM, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and a $1.7 million US Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant obtained by the Congressional Delegation will capitalize the project.
Around 200 commercial fishermen landed 48 million pounds of seafood, valued at $66 million, at Galilee in 2019. The seafood and fisheries industry supports 4,300 jobs across all economic sectors and provides nearly $420 million in economic impact, according to a 2017 study conducted by the University of Rhode Island for the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation.

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